and the word was made fleshの例文
- And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us . " ( F . Karpinski, 18th century . ) . ..
- On the arch above the high altar are the words : " And the word was made flesh and came to dwell among us " from the Prologue of the Gospel of John.
- At the roofline is a John 1 : 14 : " " And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us " . " Between the front and back two wooden corbels straddle the roofline, with a single one between the rear entrances.
- His article " Livia Before Octavian " was published in the journal " Ancient Society " in 2009 . In addition his article " And the Word was Made Flesh : An LDS Exegesis of the Blood and Water imagery in John " was published by the journal " Studies in the Bible and Antiquity " in 2009 ( pages 51 65 ).
- For, summing up his statements respecting the Word previously mentioned by him, he further declares, " And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us . " But, according to their [ gnostic ] hypothesis, the Word did not become flesh at all, inasmuch as He never went outside of the Pleroma, but that Saviour [ became flesh ] who was formed by a special dispensation [ out of all the 苚ns ], and was of later date than the Word.